If you have received a letter from Conventus INKASO about unsettled debt, first step is to contact your debt collection agent, who will assist you in finding a solution to settle your debt, to avoid any extra fines and legal proceedings.


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Konsultatīvā sabiedrība “Conventus”, SIA

Reģ. nr.: 40003428538

Account no.: LV35HABA0001408045871

Bank: A/S “Swedbank”


Useful information

Patērētāju sūdzību izskatīšanas kārtība

Iesniegums par parāda pārmaksas atgriešanu

Pakalpojumi un cenrādis

LICENCE No PA-2022-3


+371 67800590


10 Tips For Avoiding Debt

1. Work out your spending to spend within your means. Get a handle on your household expenses by listing all of the expenses you have each month with the aim of not spending money you don’t have.

2. Think twice before purchasing something – do you really need it?

3. Set aside funds for bills you know will arrive sometime in the future so you have enough to pay them, from income tax to car insurance or registration.

4. Never sign a contract until you have read and understood the stated terms.

5. Always read the small print and avoid extra costs by always paying on time.

6. If you cannot pay a bill on time, do not postpone informing the people to whom you owe money – you may be able to work out a repayment deal or gain some extra time.

7. If you fail to pay what you owe, you may be contacted by a debt collector. In that situation you need to react to limit potential damage and costs. Talk to the collection agency about your financial situation and seek possible solutions.

8. By keeping communication going and striving to reach a solution, you may be able to find ways of solving your debt problem.

9. If you have a payment plan, keep your promises. If you can’t, then it is vital you inform the collection agency immediately. Reputable debt collectors such as ourselves are here to help you get out of debt.

10. Don’t ignore any money problems you may have, get advice as soon as possible and work to obtain a firm grip on your financial situation.